It’s not what we do, but how we do it.

Our vision is to contribute to a healthy diet, highlight and strengthen the benefits that Mother Earth still offers us, generating our business ecosystem and fair treatment to producers, collaborators and consumers.

We offer 100% organic products with the best quality.

We are lovers of nature and the biodiversity that it offers us. We believe that there is nothing more important than to respect the environment, which is why the products we make and market comply with organic certifications for a more conscious consumption.


ecuadorian nature


Approximate area

Exuberant vegetation, typical of the humid-tropical forests, represents 43% of the Ecuadorian territory.


Sucumbíos, Orellana, Napo, Pastaza,
Morona Santiago y Zamora.

Important rivers

The Amazon basin is formed by the influx of numerous rivers that originate in the eastern Andes mountain range and in the Amazon mountain range.

Our Zanda products come exclusively from crops that do not use pesticides or chemicals.

We have a clear goal of working exclusively with small producers who grew up and firmly believe in natural food, where from harvesting to processing, everything is done with care and following the ancient tradition. Our presence in the production areas allows us to guarantee a totally natural product. From harvesting to packaging, everything works without leaving anything to chance.